Phuket Airport Taxi Prices

by John

Turn right when exiting the arrival area to find the local red and yellow taxi service.

Turn right when exiting the arrival area to find the local red and yellow taxi service.


How much does it cost to get a taxi to Patong or Karon Beach from the airport.


Hi John,

For long distances such as Patong, Karon or Kata beach areas the metered taxi's have a fixed price of 500 baht.

The taxi's are located outside the airport terminal.

Follow the footpath to the right and at the end of the path you will see a well signed taxi stand.

You can't miss these taxis they are bright red and yellow.

Most of these taxis run on gas and there is not a lot of luggage space in the boot of the car.

If you want to pay more for the luxury of a bit more space, another option for a taxi is to do some haggling with the many taxi drivers waiting for you as soon as you walk out of the arrivals hall.

Their prices always start higher, but expect to pay between 700 to 800 baht or better depending on your bartering skills.

If you do use this option read the tip below.

Tip: Always confirm the price and don't pay until you get to your destination.

Tell the driver to take you to your booked accommodation with no stops along the way.

There have been many stories of taxi drivers in Phuket taking passengers to their preferred hotels so they can pick up a commission.

We hope this helps and have a great holiday in Phuket.

Safe Travels

Jeff & Paula

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Nov 08, 2015
I believe your
by: Diana

I believe your articles are very insightful and so much informational, yet very easy to read and understand. I am sure your articles will be helpful to everyone.

Oct 28, 2015
I would like to thank you
by: Anonymous

I would like to thank you for your nicely written post, its informative and your writing style encouraged me to read it till end. Thanks

Oct 14, 2015
Walk out of
by: Anonymous

Walk out of the arrivals terminal to the curbside pickup area. Here you will find a long line of official taxis waiting to take passengers to their destinations. Wait in the passenger line until your turn to depart, tell the next taxi in line your destination and you are off.

Aug 26, 2015
Phuket Airport Taxi Prices
by: Prices

There have been numerous stories of cabbies in Phuket taking travelers to their favored inns so they can get a commission. Advise the driver to take you to your booked settlement without any stops along the way.

Mar 12, 2015
Phuket Airport Taxi Prices
by: Graham

I once took one of these cabs. Sure the price was low but the car was a heap of junk, and the driver was a total maniac.
I have now gone back to the so called limos.

Apr 08, 2012
very informative
by: KT Leung

Dear Jeff & Paula, your material is very informative indeed. Thank you.

Aug 13, 2011
by: Anonymous

phuket airport taxi service is quite good and its charges are also reasonable

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